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聯合報專訪「七年級生 打造木醋液奇蹟」
中央電台專訪「七年級生 漫談木醋液創業」
大窩口 木酢液,家用清潔劑,木酢液哪買,木酢淨化洗毛精環宇廣播電台「湖口老街木醋液奇蹟」
自由時報專訪「關懷動物回饋社會 大窩口木醋液傳愛」
環宇廣播電台專訪「七年級生 打造木酢液王國」
2017-11-05 03:00
ANCHOR: The PFP said the special envoy’s presence at the annual meeting should help raise awareness of the nation’s importance amid unease over North Korea/ Staff writer, with CNAPeople First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong (宋楚瑜) is to promote the government’s New Southbound Policy at the APEC economic leaders’ meeting, PFP Legislator Lee Hung-chun (李鴻鈞) said yesterday.As President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) special envoy, Soong is determined to demonstrate the nation’s strength at a time when the government is pushing the New Southbound Policy, said Lee, who is to accompany Soong to the yearly two-day APEC summit, which is to be held in Da Nang, Vietnam, on Saturday and Sunday next week.Soong aims to impress on other APEC members Taiwan’s agricultural achievements, its capabilities in humanitarian assistance and its strength in disaster relief and the training of medical workers, Lee said.“The New Southbound Policy is not only about doing business, but also about making friends,” Lee said. “The special envoy will take advantage of the occasion to promote Taiwan.”The government initiated the New Southbound Policy in a bid to improve the nation’s ties with the 10 ASEAN member states and six South Asian countries, as well as Australia and New Zealand. The policy aims to reduce economic dependence on China.Soong is scheduled to depart for the APEC summit on Tuesday next week.It would be the second time that he serves as Tsai’s special envoy to an APEC summit, after he attended the yearly gathering in Lima last year.In addition to promoting the New Southbound Policy, Lee said Soong’s presence at this year’s summit should help raise awareness among other leaders about Taiwan’s geographic importance at a time when geopolitical unease on the Korean Peninsula has sent ripples through the region.Soong would promote the idea that Taiwan can serve as an anchor to stabilize the political situation in East Asia, Lee said, adding that Soong would help Taiwan improve its diplomatic ties with the region by emphasizing the nation’s freedom, democracy and economic clout.In addition to Lee, Soong’s daughter, Angela Soong (宋鎮邁), is to be a member of the Taiwanese delegation.Angela Soong is scheduled to meet US President Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, during the summit.Lee said she is expected to make good use of her excellent English-language skills and ability to adapt to changes to make new friends there.Taiwan joined APEC under the name Chinese Taipei in 1991 and has played an active role in the annual meetings with the aim of enhancing interactions with the organization’s other 20 members.However, the nation’s president is not allowed to attend the meetings, due to objections by China.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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iPhone X今天開賣 歐新社 分享 facebook iPhone X今天開賣,搶得中華電信頭香的鄭姓學生4天前就來,表示入手iPhone X只為孝敬父母;亞太電信還有一家4口出動排隊,現場百名果粉備妥巧拼、雨衣、棉被對抗濕冷天氣。iPhone X今天正式在台開賣,台灣仍有7成的消費者選擇與電信業者綁約購機,預料iPhone X在台銷售電信通路仍是最主要戰場。電信三雄並列的信義威秀門市出現排隊人龍,等待上午8時舉行的開賣儀式,各家電信業推出不同的優惠,中華電信限量購機名額加碼為120名,台灣大哥大抽新台幣10萬元購物金,遠傳電信則推出限量百名的0元購機方案。搶得中華電信頭香的鄭姓學生,於10月30日下午3時就到場排隊,展開4天的長期抗戰,他表示,要用打工賺的零用錢入手iPhone X送給父母。另外,網紅「四叉貓」也在中華電信的排隊隊伍中,他算是資深果粉,為了熬夜排隊,他還準備充氣躺椅和行動電源。遠傳電信排隊的人潮有學生、上班族和自由業,目前以選擇iPhone X 256GB的消費者居多,以攜碼及續約的消費者為主,其中不乏想以舊換新方案來申辦的用戶,手機顏色則以太空灰最受歡迎。搶得第一的排隊民眾蘇先生在開賣前3天,10月31日中午就來排隊,他家住板橋,是航空公司地勤,特地請年假來排隊。蘇先生表示,目前使用iPhone 7 Plus,想申辦iPhone X 256GB太空灰。為排隊三天兩夜「抗戰」,蘇先生更備妥雨傘、雨衣、棉被和巧克力,其他果粉也準備板凳、巧拼、雨衣、毛毯等排隊聖品,對抗濕冷天氣。台灣大哥大頭香民眾王先生38歲,從事金融業,他是資深果粉,3GS時代便開始使用,至今每一代iPhone都有,已入手6支iPhone,但今年他選擇入手iPhone X,而不是9月開賣的iPhone 8。亞太電信的快閃開賣地點規劃於信義區松壽路的甜甜圈專賣店,開賣限量50名iPhone X現貨購機,昨天下午3時也出現排隊人潮,隊伍中有一戶朱姓人家出動一家四口排隊搶iPhone X。台灣之星今天上午7時30分於信義區smart品牌概念館舉辦iPhone X首賣會,並邀請雙胞胎姊妹藝人依依、佩佩為民眾搶先實測Face ID臉部辨識解鎖技術。儘管iPhone X 64GB版本空機售價新台幣3萬5900元、256GB版本售價4萬1500元,打破電信史上最貴iPhone紀錄,電信三雄信義威秀門市排隊民眾合計超過百名,買氣明顯高於iPhone 8?
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